
MCBB Lodging

About us

MCBB Lodging

Welcome to the world of MCBB Lodging, where passion meets proficiency in short-term rental management. Allow us to introduce the duo behind the scenes – Michele and Chris, the masterminds driving the M.C. in MCBB. Chris, armed with a license in structural engineering and an MBA, brings a wealth of expertise to the table. His strategic acumen extends seamlessly to the back end of our operations, overseeing crucial aspects like home maintenance, cutting-edge property management software, and the intricate dance of dynamic pricing. Michele, a teacher by vocation and a people person at heart, infuses our approach with warmth and creativity. Her spare time transforms into moments of design brilliance, ensuring your property is presented at its absolute best. Beyond aesthetics, Michele navigates the delicate art of guest and team communications, creating seamless, memorable experiences for all. Together, Chris and Michele form an unstoppable team, perfectly complementing each other’s strengths. Their collaborative efforts have not only resulted in the successful management of their own short-term rentals but have also positioned them at the pinnacle of competitive markets. 

With operational prowess honed in Orlando, FL, and Scottsdale, AZ, they consistently achieve, if not surpass, revenue benchmarks set at the illustrious 75th percentile. At MCBB Lodging, our story is woven with a passion for hospitality and a commitment to excellence. Trust us to elevate your property management experience to new heights, where every detail is considered, and success is not just a goal but a standard. Welcome to MCBB Lodging – where your property meets its perfect match in dedicated, skilled management.